
Brian Trusdell

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci “has been all over the map” when it comes to comments and testimony about the novel coronavirus, Indiana Sen. Mike Braun, R-Ind., told Newsmax on Tuesday.

Braun, who appeared on “Stinchfield,” portrayed Fauci as dishonest at minimum following testimony earlier in the day at a Senate Health Committee hearing in which Fauci and Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., traded accusations of lying in an exchange about the origins of the virus and possible U.S. involvement in it.

“Well, he was definitely grouchy Fauci after Rand Paul was through with him, and I always follow Rand by a senator or two and generally get him in a little more subdued mood,” Braun,who serves on the health committee with Paul said. “But my main beef with him is…he has been all over the map, on spacing, 3 feet, 6 feet, methodology.

“I mean you can pick at any point in time where he said something that was completely rebutted or refuted later.”

Braun appeared to endorse Paul’s accusations made during Tuesday’s hearing that Fauci has lied about his involvement in the origins of the novel coronavirus through National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which is part of the National Institutes of Health.

Paul’s charges referred to funding by the NIH through a third party to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, where many believe the COVID-19 pathogen was generated in “gain of function” research, experiments that essentially make viruses more transmissible.

Fauci in May denied that the NIH funding assisted in the research and repeated that claim on Tuesday.

“(Fauci) was on the record, you know, 1½ million to 2 million deaths in the U.S. and down to 150,000. And sure, you’re going to probably be OK somewhere in between, the way it ended up,” Braun said. “But there especially, the NIH? His involvement through his particular agency. That doesn’t pass the smell test. Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.,) and I simply asked the government to release the classified information that we hold and they won’t do it.

“So that is probably the thing that he is most culpable of. It’s the origination of it and how he seems to be protecting China.”
