
Sen. Mike Braun, R-Ind., is now a co-sponsor of a bill that would get 9/11 first responders the medical care they need.
Braun joins his fellow Republican senator from Indiana, Todd Young, as well as 72 others in the United States Senate. However, his support for this specific bill is likely moot, as the House version is likely the one to move forward.
The other version of the bill has already overwhelmingly passed the House, 402 – 12. All nine House members from Indiana voted in favor of the bill.
The bill would permanently reauthorize the fund that helps firefighters and police officers who responded on 9/11 get medical treatments.
It became a huge topic of conversation after Jon Stewart, the former host of “The Daily Show,” made an impassioned plea to get the bill passed.
Being a co-sponsor doesn’t mean a senator will necessarily vote one way or another, but it’s a sign of support if a bill has many co-sponsors from members of both parties.
The bill looked sure to pass until Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., blocked the attempt to pass it unanimously this week. Paul argued that passing the bill without offsetting the costs would worsen the United States’ national debt.
It is still likely to pass the Senate after Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has repeatedly said it will get done.
