
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Mike Braun released the following statement on the coronavirus relief package:

“As a Main Street entrepreneur, I am proud to support additional funding that will help small business owners and working class Hoosiers survive in this final battle against the pandemic.

“The last week of eleventh hour negotiations and short-term spending bills reinforces what Hoosiers already know: Washington is broken.

“Main Street businesses and hard-working Hoosiers have been in desperate need of relief from Washington for months while D.C. politicians have been holding targeted relief hostage as they bicker over favors for special interests and how to spend more money we don’t have.

“I also encourage all Hoosiers to visit my website or email CoronavirusHelp@braun.senate.gov if they need further assistance.

“Our national debt is now over $27 trillion and Congress needs to get serious about our spending problem because we have a massive debt crisis.”

Senator Mike Braun
