
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, thousands of pro-life activists will assemble in the nation’s capital to voice their support for protecting the sanctity of life through abortion-restrictive policies at the 46th annual “March for Life.”

Senator Braun released the following statement welcoming attendees of the rally:

“Safeguarding life at every stage is a solemn responsibility, one that Hoosiers have entrusted me to uphold.  I’m proud to welcome the attendees of March for Life 2019, especially those Hoosiers who made the trek to Washington to show their conviction for defending the rights of the unborn. Your passion is inspiring and your advocacy makes a real difference in lives and laws every day. Welcome.”U.S. Senator Mike Braun

This week, Senator Braun also addressed the Susan B. Anthony List’s March for Life 2019 Reception. Listen to his remarks here:

Senator Braun addressing the Susan B. Anthony List's March for Life 2019 Reception


In his first three weeks representing Hoosiers in the U.S. Senate, Senator Braun has already become a co-sponsor of one major pro-life Senate resolution and six pro-life bills:

  • Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act
  • Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act
  • No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act of 2019
  • Protect Funding for Women’s Health Care Act
  • Protecting Life in the Global Health Assistance Act
  • Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
  • Resolution: S. Res. 20 – A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance policy should be permanently established.

